
China Guangdong Stainless Steel Manufacturer


The main products are stainless steel screens, stainless steel partitions, stainless steel grilles, stainless steel grilles, stainless steel wine cabinets, stainless steel decorations, metal screens, stainless steel handles, stainless steel wine racks, stainless steel display racks, stainless steel door covers, stainless steel shapes, stainless steel columns, color stainless steel And so on, can satisfy all kinds of customized stainless steel products with complex and special-shaped crafts


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Colored stainless steel sheetcolored


Colored stainless steel sheet

Specifications of Colored Stainless Steel Sheet:1) Thickness: 0.4 - 3.0 mm2) Normal Width:a) 1,000mmb) 1,...

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keywords:embossed metal sheets stainless steel metal fabrication water ripple pattern decorative stainless steel sheets