
prime cold rolled stainless steel sheets

prime cold rolled stainless steel sheets
prime cold rolled stainless steel sheets

prime cold rolled stainless steel sheets


Stainless steel cold rolled steel plate is a stainless steel plate produced by cold rolling process. Thin plate with thickness no more than 3mm and thick plate with thickness more than 3mm. It is used to make corrosion-resistant parts, petroleum and chemical pipelines, containers, medical instruments, marine equipment, etc.


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Colored stainless steel sheetcolored


Colored stainless steel sheet

Specifications of Colored Stainless Steel Sheet:1) Thickness: 0.4 - 3.0 mm2) Normal Width:a) 1,000mmb) 1,...

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keywords:embossed metal sheets stainless steel metal fabrication water ripple pattern decorative stainless steel sheets