
stainless steel sheet 316l

stainless steel sheet 316l

stainless steel sheet 316l,Stainless steel is usually divided into:
1. Ferritic stainless steel. Contains 12% to 30% chromium. Its corrosion resistance, toughness and weldability increase with the increase of chromium content, and its resistance to chloride stress corrosion is better than other types of stainless steel.
2. Austenitic stainless steel. It contains more than 18% chromium, about 8% nickel and a small amount of molybdenum, titanium, nitrogen and other elements. It has good comprehensive performance and is resistant to corrosion by various media.
3. Austenitic-ferritic duplex stainless steel. It has the advantages of both austenitic and ferritic stainless steels, and has superplasticity.
4. Martensitic stainless steel. High strength, but poor plasticity and weldability.
5. Precipitation hardening stainless steel. It has good formability and good weldability, and can be used as an ultra-high-strength material in the nuclear industry, aviation and aerospace industries.
According to the composition, it can be divided into Cr series (SUS400), Cr-Ni series (SUS300), Cr-Mn-Ni (SUS200) and precipitation hardening series (SUS600).


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