
316l stainless steel

316l stainless steel

316l stainless steel,316L has a wide range of applications in the chemical industry due to its excellent corrosion resistance. 316L is also a derivative of 18-8 type austenitic stainless steel, with 2 to 3% of Mo added. On the basis of 316L, many steel grades are also derived. For example, 316Ti is derived after adding a small amount of Ti, 316N is derived after adding a small amount of N, and 317L is derived by increasing the content of Ni and Mo.
Most of the existing 316L on the market are produced according to American Standard. For cost reasons, steel mills generally try to lower the Ni content of their products to the lower limit. The American standard stipulates that the Ni content of 316L is 10-14%, while the Japanese standard stipulates that the Ni content of 316L is 12-15%. According to the minimum standard, there is a 2% difference in Ni content between the American standard and the Japanese standard, which is quite huge in terms of price. Therefore, customers still need to see clearly when purchasing 316L products, whether the products refer to ASTM or JIS standards.


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