
Commercially Pure Titanium


Grades of commercially pure titanium
Grade 1 titanium is the first of four commercially pure titanium grades. It is the softest and most ductile, offering maximum formability, excellent corrosion resistance and high impact toughness. As a result, this grade of titanium is the material of choice for any application requiring ease of formability and is commonly used for tubing. grade 1 titanium can be found in the medical industry, construction, the marine industry and automotive parts.

Grade 2 titanium is known as the "workhorse" of the commercial pure titanium industry. It has many of the same qualities as Grade 1 titanium, but is slightly stronger.

Grade 3 titanium is the least used of the commercial pure titanium grades, but not because it is worthless. While it is actually stronger than grades 1 and 2, it possesses higher mechanical properties than the other grades Grade 3 is used for applications requiring moderate strength and major corrosion resistance.

Grade 4 is by far the strongest of the four grades. It is known for its excellent corrosion resistance, good formability and weldability, and is becoming increasingly popular in the medical industry.


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