
Mirror finish stainless steel


Mirror finishes are often chosen for stainless steel products that need to look attractive, like balustrades, architecture, kitchen/bathroom tap-wear, or artworks. The benefit to a mirror finish, is not just that it looks great, but that it is highly corrosion resistant. This is due to the polishing procedure which removes deep scratches which can harbor corrosive particles. This is where mirror finishes are particularly useful in coastal architectural projects which can be exposed to salt air.




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Colored stainless steel sheetcolored


Colored stainless steel sheet

Specifications of Colored Stainless Steel Sheet:1) Thickness: 0.4 - 3.0 mm2) Normal Width:a) 1,000mmb) 1,...

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keywords:embossed metal sheets stainless steel metal fabrication water ripple pattern decorative stainless steel sheets